"Seriously God? Seriously? What's up? I thought you were pleased with me. I've been doing everything you asked me to do...even things I don't particularly want to do - I'm doing them. So why is everything working against me all of sudden? Why has this plague decided to settle on my house, and why are you allowing it? I know none of it is life-threatening (thankful for that), and I know I've dealt with it all before - but not all at once! Why am I having to deal with all of this stuff AGAIN? Please make it stop! Thank you for listening to me and loving me! -Amen!"
Yes, I know. This is an extremely whiny, woe-is-me prayer. But it's how I felt and there's no sense in trying to hide your feelings from God, He already knows them. Just like He knows I still love Him and understands that sometimes a girl's just gotta vent!
So let me back up and fill you in. If you read my post 2 months ago, you already know that my house was struck by lightning - AGAIN! One year after the first time, in the exact same spot. So that blows holes in the theory that "lightning never strikes twice!" At the time I was thankful (again) that nobody was hurt and that our house did not catch fire, but everything's been going downhill ever since.
Over the summer I really felt like God had been speaking to me, showing me His plans and bringing them into focus. He's asked me to do some things that are really out of my comfort zone. And I've been doing them, partly because He's also shown me some things that I'm really excited about. And like I always tell my kids,
"Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do, to be able to do the things you do want to do."
Don't you think I should probably take my own advice! You know - try to be a good example.
Needless to say I've really been looking forward to school starting back up so that I would have time to get things moving. But so far there's only been 1 week out of 5 that both kids made it to school everday. Every week somebody in my house has had some sort of ailment. Sparing you the graphic details, let's just say that from head to toe I've dealt with or experienced EVERY disgusting bodily function you can think of! Not to mention that we've made 5 trips to the doctor, one of which was a 6 hour, Friday night date with my son to the ER - good times!
Now I know this is all part of life. I know you've dealt with it all too...more than once. But did it hit all at the same time, one thing after another, starting with your house being struck by lightning AGAIN? Probably not. Please forgive my self-absorbed crankiness. I know my life is not any worse than yours or anyone else's. And I am SO grateful that we are not dealing with anything more serious that we don't already know how to handle! I just really want you to understand this continual theme I have running through my head of:
"Oh no! Not AGAIN!!!"
So enough with the belly-aching, because this story actually has a pretty amazing twist. God took my whiny prayer to heart and showed up where I least expected Him - AGAIN! If you've never read my post 7-Year Anniversary Miracle, this would be a good time to do so.
In the midst of all this sickness and chaos, Jace and I have had to reschedule our anniversay dinner 3 times. As you know, we go to the same restaurant every year, Boulevard Steakhouse, and just splurge like there's no tomorrow. We make sure to save up the cash for our once a year treat and for one night we forget all about our debt-free quest.
This year's anniversary is lucky number 13 (which could explain these unfortunate circumstances we've been experiencing- AGAIN! Good thing I'm not superstitious). It's been 6 years since "the miracle," and we still get excited about our annual celebration dinner along with the complimentary dessert given for such an occassion. But for some reason last year our anniversary was overlooked, along with the dessert.
Not wanting to seem cheap, and still feeling grateful about our 7th anniversary meal, we didn't say anything. But this year we wanted to make sure they knew it was our anniversary, so Jace casually worked it into the conversation with our waiter. We felt a sense of accomplishment when they brought out our dessert with the special little "Happy Anniversary" chocolate on it. Operation Free-Dessert was a success! So imagine our surprise, shock, and utter delight, when our waiter came out with our bill, laid it on the table, and said:
"Here's your check but it's already been taken care of."
Yes! The entire bill. I know!...AGAIN!!! (Did I mention that the restaurant is Boulevard Steakhouse?)
Are you completely blown-away? Speechless? So were we! It made me laugh and cry all at the same time. In that moment, God spoke to us AGAIN. He knows we are going through a lot right now, but He reminded us that He is in control and He loves us. This is all part of His great plans for us and He can use all things for good. I completely believe Him.
Interestingly, in church this week the message was called "Passing the Test." We looked specifically at James 1: 2-5
2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. 5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
I do think we are in a time of testing. The plague is still on-going. We're on week 7 of somebody being sick with something. But God showing up for our 13th anniversary and producing a miracle - AGAIN, gives me the strength to keep going, keep the faith, and to endure it all with a spirit of JOY!
So if you get nothing else out of this story, I hope that you remember that God is always there for you. Again and AGAIN!!!
The last quilts of 2024
1 month ago